Siemens MindSphere connection step by step explained.

With the IoT Cloud Platform MindSphere, Siemens provides its own special cloud environment for industry. Siemens calls MindSphere a cloud-based IoT operating system for the analysis of IoT data. To supply the MindSphere Cloud with data, MQTT messages can be sent directly into the MindSphere Cloud. This makes it possible to supplement IoT data with various data sources and to obtain a holistic context for analysis. With the MQTT Plug-in of the OPC Router, the supply of data from all OPC Router Plug-ins to MindSphere Cloud can be implemented. We show here the necessary steps for the connection in a practical guide.

Connection OPC Router - Siemens Mindsphere

Siemens MindSphere MQTT Connection

The connection is carried out in the following steps, which are explained in detail below.

  1. Creating user
  2. Create MQTT Plug-in
  3. Transferring data to the IoT device

Creating user

  1. Login to the Siemens MindSphere Portal (internal example:
  2. Click on “MindConnect IoT Extension”:
    MindConnect IoT Extension

    MindConnect IoT Extension

  3. Open the menue (1) and click on “Administration” (2):
  4. Click on “Users”:
  5. Click on “Add User”:
  6. Put in following data:
    • Username (1)
    • Password (2)
    • Confirm password (3)
    • Devicemanagement User (4)

    Save it (5):

  7. This is your new user:

Creating MQTT Plug-in

1. Carry out the following steps in OPC Router:

  • Click “Plugins” (1)
  • Click “MQTT” under “Cloud / IoT” (2)
  • Click on the Button to create a MQTT plugin (3)

2. Put in the following data on tab “Router configuration”:

  • Name (1)
  • Cloud profile (2)
  • After that click on tab “Connection properties”:

3. Enter the following informations:

  • Broker connection (1)
  • Client ID for creating a new device (2)
  • Username like <Tenant/Username> (3)
  • Password (4)

Afterwards carry out a connection test (5). This will create the device (Client ID) in MindSphere. Finally, click on OK button:

4. Finally here is the finished MQTT entry:

Transfering data to the IoT-device

Here is an example for the transfer of temperature data:

IoT-devices and Monitoring

  1. Open the menue (1) and click on “Device management” (2):
  2. Open the aside menue on the upper left corner:
  3. Open the menue entry “Devices” (1) and choose “All devices” (2):
  4. Click on your newly created device:
  5. Click on “Measurements”:
  6. Here you will find your temperature values:

Connect Siemens MindSphere IoT via Drag & Drop!

With the OPC Router you can connect your production systems graphically to the Siemens MindSphere IoT via MQTT.